Office for Urbanism and Landscape Architecture.

Won: Ring park ‘Het Schijn’
De Urbanisten De Urbanisten

Won: Ring park ‘Het Schijn’

The design team OMGEVING – De Urbanisten – COBE has been selected for the further development of Ring park Het Schijn in Antwerp. In the coming years the team will work out the vision, the predesign and the final design based on the concepts for ‘zone east’ from the preliminary trajectory ‘Over de Ring’.

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Waterplan Antwerp selected for the IABR 2020!
De Urbanisten De Urbanisten

Waterplan Antwerp selected for the IABR 2020!

The Waterplan of Antwerp has been selected to show at the IABR’s main exhibition ‘Water as Leverage’. The Waterplan is a complete and comprehensive plan to climate proof Antwerpen for future challenges.

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Stories from Fietsstad presented at the Bicycle Architecture Biennale
De Urbanisten De Urbanisten

Stories from Fietsstad presented at the Bicycle Architecture Biennale

We will proudly present our “Stories from Fietsstad” at the Bicycle Architecture Biennale in Amsterdam on 19th June. It will also be showcased at Velo-City 2019 in Dublin.The project was commissioned by the College van Rijksadviseurs (CRa), Gemeente Amsterdam and Vervoerregio Amsterdam.

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