Stories from Fietsstad presented at the Bicycle Architecture Biennale


What would the city be like if designed entirely around the cyclist? How would the city look? What would take place in this bicycle city? These questions are answered in the design and research project “Stories from Fietsstad – Amsterdam and the bicycle city of the 21st century.’’ The results have been brought together in a comic book.

We will proudly present our “Stories from Fietsstad” at the Bicycle Architecture Biennale in Amsterdam on 19th June. It will also be showcased at Velo-City 2019 in Dublin.The project was commissioned by the College van Rijksadviseurs (CRa), Gemeente Amsterdam and Vervoerregio Amsterdam.

The project presentation (in Dutch) can be found here.
The comic book (in English) can be found here.
Link to the Architecture Biennale can be found here.


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