Location | Doetinchem, The Netherlands
Year | 2015 - ongoing
Client | The City of Doetinchem
Status | Approved Masterplan (2015), Supervision on realization.
Links | http://iseldoks.nl/
The Masterplan for Iseldoks comprises the transformation of an old industrial site into a new urban district along the river Oude IJssel in Doetinchem in the Netherlands. In a period of ten years, a mix of more than four hundred new dwellings, work spaces and urban facilities will be developed, all embedded in a new attractive public infrastructure.
A new urban district for Doetinchem
The realization of the Masterplan started in 2015 and is nearing its final phase of realization. Block by block, Iseldoks becomes an attractive urban district, dominated by water. In this process De Urbanisten are responsible for the urban plan, are supervising the quality of the new blocks and the public space.
A watersensitive design
The stormwater collection is integrated in the design for Iseldoks in such a way that it contributes to the experience of water by the inhabitants and it adds beauty and activities to the public space. The retention and discharge of the rainwater is made visible in public space by a system of raingardens and open gutters that all lead to the canal.
The dynamics of the river is made visible in public space. The quays along the canal and the riverbanks are lower than the ‘safe waterlevel’ and can flood from time to time. This floodable public spaces bring the people close to the water to use and enjoy.