Brainport, the Ingenious landscape

Southeast Brabant, The Netherlands

Location |  Southeast Brabant, The Netherlands

Year |  2005 - 2006

Client |  Region of Eindhoven, Municipalities of Eindhoven and Helmond, Province of Noord-Brabant, supported by the Ministry of Economic Affairs

Collaboration |  Urban Affairs

Status |  Explorative study on spatial potentials, book and exhibition


In this wooded landscape, a strategy of green versus red is proposed. Build developments in Brainport go hand in hand with ‘building’ the landscape. No compensatory green areas elsewhere, but appealing green environments precisely on the spot where the inhabitants derive the most benefit.

50/50 rule for new developments; each building activity creates new pieces of landscape

50/50 rule for new developments; each building activity creates new pieces of landscape

In the 20th century Eindhoven and South East Brabant region developed as a (inter)national ‘Brainport’; A highly specialized network of clustered research and knowledge-based businesses. Research on the future perspectives for ‘Brainport’ show, that all successful innovatory regions in Europe and the United States expressly advertise themselves with an attractive and first-class landscape in which they are situated. Such a competitive position on a European scale cannot be taken for granted for Southeast Brabant. If Brainport is to succeed, this especially demands an investment in an inviting urban landscape.

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A new green framework for southeast Brabant emerges

Decades of land consolidation in the region have led to an extensive and complex landscape structure, in which the ‘rooms, corridors and recesses’ are formed by the trees in alternating shapes and sizes. In this wooded landscape, a strategy of green versus red is proposed. Build developments in Brainport go hand in hand with ‘building’ the landscape. No compensatory green areas elsewhere, but appealing green environments precisely on the spot where the inhabitants derive the most benefit.

Creating new working environments for brainport

Within this ingenious landscape four future perspectives for Brainport are sketched. They together show a range of strategic spatial developments for Brainport. Focusing on one scenario is not necessary. Complementarily and versatility enhance a Brainport.

A research on key knowledge centres in the world give access to the underlaying mechanisms of their success.

Book is written by Florian Boer, Marco Vermeulen and Theo Haube


Berg / Boomgaard / Strand, Amsterdam


CO2-smart urbanism, Rotterdam