The model of Hofbogenpark is on exhibition!

Last Tuesday Municipality of Rotterdam welcomed its citizens in the hall of Rotterdam Library to see the models of the seven new city projects, which are now part of the exhibition called 'Rotterdam is going green'. It was great to see everyone converse openly and enthusiastically about the new green Hofbogenpark plan.

The exhibit displays how iconic public places in the city turn into parks, green squares and streets where you can stroll, meet, connect, stay, relax, play, and forage. Curious to see what it looks like?

The exhibition is open to the public till the 16th of October.
Where: Centrale Bibliotheek Rotterdam, Hoogstraat 110, 3011 PV Rotterdam.

Or Want to know more about this exhibition? Click here:


We won the design competition ‘Biobased and nature inclusive building’ in Oirschot!


Documentary ARTE 'Visionen Bauen’ is airing 18/09/2022